Stephen L. Goldstein is a fire-breathing liberal. Between
1999 and 2014, he was the sole progressive columnist of the South Florida Sun
Sentinel; a conservative newspaper in a conservative state. During those years,
he was the target of every former student, from one of the worst public school
systems in America, who could hold a crayon and scrawl an insult. For fifteen
years, Goldstein pounded-out strident, unapologetically liberal columns, that
were read by a seething, barely literate mob; until a new, faint-hearted editor
asked him to write local “happy news” minus political content. At that,
Goldstein took his computer to the developing
Jeb Bush took the oath of office as Florida’s Governor the
same year that Goldstein started at The Sentinel. This book is a compilation of
articles pertaining to Bush’s performance, seen through a liberal-progressive
lens. But, partisan polemics aside, Jeb Bush Outed offers insight
concerning the former governor’s true agenda. Bush has been posturing as a
moderate Republican. However, people (especially politicians) are far more how they
act in the world, rather than what they say about themselves. Here are some of
Bush’s actions as Governor:
*In 2003, Jeb Bush had state troopers remove a brain-dead Terri
Schiavo from her hospice where her body would be kept functioning on life support. Against the wishes of her husband, Terri was transferred to
a rehab facility where her feeding tube was reinserted. This state interference
in a legally private family decision, backed by Bush’s anti-Choice supporters,
was later defeated in court and Terri was permitted to die. (Goldstein, p. 28).
*In 2003, Bush used state tax dollars to fund the nation’s
first “faith-based prison,” violating the separation of church and state.
(Goldstein, p. 55).
*Bush repeatedly pushed for a school voucher program that
would have given tax dollars to religious schools. The Florida Supreme Court
repeatedly disallowed this measure as unconstitutional. (Goldstein, p. 52).
*In 1997, before becoming Governor, Bush signed the
“Statement of Principles” created by the neoconservative think tank Project for
the New American Century (PNAC). This document encourages the US to fight wars
against governments that do not conform to a conservative agenda. (Goldstein,
p. 23).
*As part of his conservative foreign policy, Bush spoke as
Governor in favor of strengthening the embargo against Cuba. (Goldstein, p.
*In alignment with his anti-Choice beliefs, Bush opposed
stem cell research (Goldstein, p. 12).
*Goldstein cites examples where Bush managed the State
Treasury by refusing to cut property taxes and middle-class income taxes, while
simultaneously funneling those tax dollars to large corporations. (Goldstein,
pp 135-163).
However one may feel about Goldstein’s writing, the
citations speak for themselves: Bush is not a moderate in his social, fiscal or
foreign policy agendas.
A cautionary note: There are different intentions in reading
between someone who picks-up a fourth-grade level conservative paper in Florida
to scrutinize and react to the words of a liberal columnist, and someone who is
so enthusiastic about learning that they peruse non-fiction book reviews to
determine what they’d like to learn next. Goldstein was aware of his readers.
His style is less contemplative than combative. His patter is a mix of
sarcastic humor and blunt liberal agenda. Examples: “Are you up for more war—a
lot of it? More invasions of sovereign nations like Iraq…More trillions spent
protecting Halliburton’s profit?”
(Goldstein, p. 23). And “The Tallahassee Taliban are at it again:
faith-based finagling with your tax money” (Goldstein, p. 51). There is no
subtlety or compromise in Stephen Goldstein’s prose. His articles were aimed at
a public that was at best apathetic and at worst reactionary, who appeared to
him as incapable of making intelligent choices. After all, they elected Jeb Bush
twice. Facing such an audience, Goldstein’s manner is not so much a cry in the
wilderness as it is a scream.
For the balanced examiner of non-fiction book reviews, these
articles offer a learning opportunity on two levels. First, they provide a
record of Bush’s performance as Governor that slices through his election-year
claims to moderate Republicanism. Second, the book is its own dramatic
sociological study of how a liberal writer battled a marginally-educated,
conservative audience.
Goldstein, Stephen L. Jeb Bush Outed. Ashland: Grid
Press, 2015.